Saturday, March 27, 2010

Seriously, I wish I could say I intended this to be so funny!

TUESDAY, JULY 21, 2009

The debut of Miss Willow's World(Note: This first ran July 21, 2009. I never remembered my password. Then i started a new account. I changed the font to black, tried to import it and it disappeared on a black page. Yes, it's THAT bad!)

I can't confess to be atop of all things technical, nor shall I profess to be a steam punk gal. Certainly there are times I feel like an analog gal in a digital world. But here, starting this blogspot is yet another honest and humble attempt to stay afloat with the 21st century, and reap all the glorious benefits the tech buffet can offer.

So much of what I do is devoted to communication: from teaching to performing, singing and dancing, creating costumes or promoting events. I am both fascinated and consumed to be as genuine, organic, direct, clear, sincere and with true intentions to share and communicate. I hope this blog is another spoke in the wheel of communication.

I do have other forums or sites I would encourage you to visit at your leisure. Each has their own feel and probably audience. I can't say I have a favorite: it's like when someone asks me, "What do you prefer, singing or dancing?". I really couldn't say, nor would I ever pick sides, just as I feel equal parts Chinese, German and English- but always 100% Human.

My website is A perineal work in progress, and a slow one at that. Any assistance or guidance is always graciously accepted.

Of course like all good cattle (hahahaha), I joined myspace- at the urging of a student. It was like a friendly ambush/intervention- where she actually came to my house and made me set up a site. I do like the fact I can change/update the calendar on my own, for what it's worth.
I have 2 sites (!) andwww.myspacemusic/willowchang

And, I have a revered and feared Facebook account, under Willow Chang. facebook: Willow Chang AND Bollywood Hawaii. That's some heady, addicting stuff, and it's why I'm holding out on a i-Phone so I won't become a full blown addict.

I don't tweet, and I prefer to not join Hi-5, linked in and other social networking sites etc etc etc...When I do, I never remember the pass word and can't devote the necessary time to maintain so many sites...In a perfect world, I'd like ONE account and site, but I fear that's not my fate.

So, more later, and please feel free to drop me a line if there's something I can do to help.
Stay inspired and cheers,

Miss Willow


  1. Well, how time changes EVERYTHING. As of last night, I finally joined LINKED IN. Is Hell freezing over YET?

  2. And, dear friends- don't bother with calendar on myspace. If need new info on what's up, simply write me at my e-mail or Fb account. By the summer, I hope to have a newly worked website with, GASP, A FUNCTIONING calendar, galleries, shop, MP3s and Youtube links. Dayum! 2012 is on it's way!
